Blog Archive

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

End of Language School!

Friday morning the only thing separating me from spring break was a 15 minute presentation for Spanish.  I went first to get it over with.  I had note cards, but I didn’t use them at all.  I don’t think I have ever given a presentation in English before without using note cards.  I shocked myself!  Also, I ended up talking pretty fast, and although that isn’t the best for a presentation again I surprised myself with being able to think that fast in Spanish. 

Ingrid, my language teacher, and me.

Because we had so much time left after our presentations, Leah, Sydney, and I went with our teachers to the velación at La Merced, but first we all stopped to get ice cream! 

Our teachers were telling us that because this was a small alfombra it only took about 5 or 6 hours to make.  We all thought it looked pretty big.  We’ll see bigger alfombras Thursday and Friday of Holy Week.
After school I went to the Cathedral to see the start of the children’s procession.  The kids were all SO cute. 

The procession also went past our house, and our Aurelia (the lady who works in our house) and her niece made an alfombra.  Leah and I helped with that which was a lot of fun even though I know our alfombra didn’t compare with the one we saw at La Merced. 

The finished alfombra!

By the time the children’s procession got to our house the little boys were super tired, even though they change carriers every couple blocks.  They were about bent in half, and they would count to three and try to stand up.  It wasn’t working for them too well, but it was super cute.

They're so tired!
After supper a bunch of us went to McDonald’s since we didn’t have any Spanish homework!!  However we were both super tired and had to force ourselves to stay up past 9:00.
By the time I get somewhere with internet where I can actually post this, I will probably already returned from my trip to Rio Dulce.  I’m sure there will be another post soon about that trip, and probably a couple more about Semana Santa because it’s definitely a huge deal here.

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